Hide The Marijuana, The US Army Is Coming!

JoshiesWorld     July 21, 2016 in ASL 0 Subscribers Subscribe

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Army of United States helicopters hovers at the top of us at our house over at the swimming pool's deck more than once in Belfry, Ky. It is unusual as we rarely have any helicopters or planes flying over us and more so there aren't any Army bases nearby that stores helicopters or planes. So it's a unusual action over here. The reason of that is they came over on a mission to look for marijuana in another neighborhood of us in Burnwell, Ky as they arrested someone and that someone admitted it himself.

Here's the news you can read about it: Link

Gears used: GoPro Hero Session at 1080 S, 60FPS with GoPro 3-way pole.
Final Cut Pro X on 2015 15'' Macbook Pro w/ Retina.

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