Las Vegas raises bid $ 2.1 billion to Raiders for a new stadium

DS65     July 13, 2016 in ASL NFL Fantasy Picks 39 Subscribers Subscribe

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58 Video Comments

  1. ReplyTo:   DS65
    Title:   tag u

  2. Title:   dome and real grass
  3. ReplyTo:   DS65
    Title:   Interferes, forgot add!!

  4. Title:   thank u
  5. ReplyTo:   rockgoal2
    Title:   nice try
  6. ReplyTo:   rockgoal2
    Title:   poor baby   Link 1
  7. ReplyTo:   rockgoal2
  8. ReplyTo:   DS65
    Title:   Supreme Court
  9. ReplyTo:   rockgoal2
  10. ReplyTo:   DS65
    Title:   Ginsburg Ruth, Justice
  11. ReplyTo:   rockgoal2
  12. ReplyTo:   DS65
    Title:   lv rich city!

  13. Title:   # 17

  14. Title:   two ways
  15. ReplyTo:   YouLiveJustOnce
  16. ReplyTo:   DS65

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