Josh, Miles, Amelia, and Sandra do Improv!

DTV News     June 10, 2016 in ASL 3 Subscribers Subscribe

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Jesse Jones III

JESSE: Okay, I’m gonna go ahead and utilize your #DeafTalent by having you act as each other. Okay? Starting with you, Miles, who will act like Amelia. And you, Amelia, will act like Josh.


JESSE: And you, Sandra, will act like Miles. And you, [points to Josh] will act like Sandra.

JOSH: Ok. Okay.

JESSE: Go ahead. Do it now.

AMELIA: You mean, act, and talk like…?

SANDRA: What are we doing?

AMELIA: So..wait, who are you? [pointing to Josh]

MILES: That’s Sandra.

SANDRA: I’m Miles.

MILES: I’m Amelia.

SANDRA: Miles. Miles. [chuckling] My boyfriend...

AMELIA: Okay so, I’m going to Home Depot, and I need a lot of things, I need wood, and I just need to dress up my room. I’m not happy with it. Oh, I’m sitting the wrong way.

SANDRA: Who’s driving, though?

MILES: I’m driving. I like it. My car is nifty.

AMELIA: I’m willing to drive…[to Miles] Hey! I wouldn’t say that! I would protect my car! [laughing] I shouldn’t criticize..

SANDRA: Fine, we’ll use your car, I don’t care.

JOSH: Baby, do you mind going? I need to stay at home and use the computer.

SANDRA: No, do it yourself.

JOSH: Myself?

SANDRA: I always do the extra work, it’s your turn, you do it.

JOSH: Okay, fine.

SANDRA: Great.

AMELIA: FYI, I cooked onions and and they’re pretty fragrant. Sorry about that, I just love eating onions.

SANDRA: I chopped them up!

JOSH: I hate onions! I’m sick of you cooking onions. I don’t like it. Argh! I don’t like it.

AMELIA: But onions are good for your body! They’re good for your heart!

MILES: Just so you guys know, I’m going to work out at 8 in the morning. You can join but it’s my schedule.

JOSH: That’s fine! I’ll join! I’ll join you!

SANDRA: 8? Really? Can it maybe be 9? 10?

MILES: No, it’s my schedule. I can’t always keep changing it to fit yours. I’m doing it my way this time.

SANDRA: Fine, okay, I’ll try to get up, and...

JOSH: It’s no big deal, just move your body, you’ll be fine.

SANDRA: I’ll be strong.

JOSH: Baby. Baby.

MILES: It’s important that you eat, be healthy. With juice, creating it from a juicer.

SANDRA: Yes, with a protein shake. How do you use a juicer?

MILES: Yeah, you do it like that. Pushing it down, and you get juice.

SANDRA: Wow, that’s really awesome!

MILES: Yeah.

AMELIA: I need a soda. I need a soda. Can you give me a soda please?

JOSH: No, remember, you wanted a beach body? You want to be sexy!!

AMELIA: Can we please have a soda date?

JOSH: No. No. You told me, seriously! I won’t!

AMELIA: Really, I thought you would join me, but now you don’t even want me to have a soda?

JOSH: I know I do tend to do that, but today I’m won’t. Sorry.

SANDRA: What’s wrong? What’s the matter?

AMELIA: I want a soda. I need a soda, and he knows I want one!

MILES: No, be healthy. Juice, remember?

JOSH: Josh asked me to go on a soda date with him, but I said no.

SANDRA: Well, it seems like that’s between the two of you.

JOSH: Baby, you’re supposed to be on my side!

SANDRA: Oh, always!
Baby, you’re

supposed to be on

my side.

Oh, always. [kisses Josh]


AMELIA: Okay guys listen up! I have to talk with you about my cats. Every time I come in, they’re all over the place.

JOSH: The cats? What do you want me to do? They’re fine doing that. Miles, tell him. It’s just a thing that cats do!

SANDRA: It’s no big deal. Just don’t be rough with the cats on how you pick them up.

AMELIA: They’re just cats! I grew up on a farm, and I just left them out. They were never indoors. I’m more used to that.

SANDRA: Oh, stop it.

MILES: Just leave them alone for a bit, feel their vibe for a while... Yes, and then you can pick them up. Don’t just rattle them.


SANDRA: I agree. I agree. Yeah.

AMELIA: But how do I say no? I have to voluntarily pick them up.

SANDRA: No, look. just...


JOSH: Look, cats have a personality...

JESSE: Thank you, you guys did great! I really enjoyed that! We’ll wrap this up. Thank you!

JOSH: Thank you!

JESSE: I’m Jesse with DTV News. See you next time!

JMAS: Bye!!! Love you!

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