Racism in the Church

Virtual Deaf Church     June 3, 2016 in ASL 95 Subscribers Subscribe

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A straight talk on Racism in the Church. Mateo Bonn is an emerging activist on issues related to racism. As a person of color, he has a different perceptive on racism. He recounts his experience as a Christian joining a white-majority Church and how his Hispanic identify, pride, and values was suppressed by a white-majority Christians, who imposed a singularly Western, White American viewpoint.

We discussed a flurry of different topics related to racism: tokenism, Martin Luther King, Jr., Civil Rights movement, Non-Racism, social colonialism via missionaries, immigration, Cesar Chavez, Liberation Gospel, racial slurs and prejudices, racist Republican candidates, Hispanic-Americans, Spanish language, lack of and multiculturalism.

This video is signed in American Sign Language. (No subtitles)

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