Senate to Debate Allowing Women in Military Draft

DTV News     May 25, 2016 in ASL 3 Subscribers Subscribe

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Melissa Yingst Huber

Hi I’m Melissa Yingst Huber and welcome to DTV News on Monday, May 23rd. Thanks for joining us:

On January 27, 1973, the military draft came to an end, but men from the age of 17 to 25 are still required by federal law to sign up for the nonexistent draft. Women have never had to sign up for the draft, as people didn’t feel it was appropriate for women to fight in combat. Now, the Senate is currently debating on whether or not women will be required to sign up for the draft starting in 2018. The idea occurred after the Pentagon announced that all military jobs would be open for women.

There are people who support this idea and people who don’t. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell from Kentucky is supportive of women signing up. Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Utah Senator Mike Lee oppose the idea of women signing up. Cruz said that he could not in good conscience force women to fight in a war and force them into combat.

In order for the sign up requirement to be dropped, there will need to be 51 opposing votes.

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