A New Change in Rules to Overtime May Affect Paychecks

DTV News     May 19, 2016 in ASL 3 Subscribers Subscribe

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Melissa Yingst-Huber

Millions of workers across the United States will soon be eligible for overtime checks due to a new federal rule, but that doesn’t mean that everyone will have more money in their pockets.

Currently, employees are automatically eligible if they earn $23,660 a year. However, come December 1st, employees will be eligible if they earn less than $47,476 a year. If an employee is between the two thresholds, they will either start receiving overtime, receive a small raise, receive limited hours without pay, or receive overtime and no higher pay. If an employee has less than 50 hours of work a week, they will see a loss in pay since they will only be paid for the hours they worked.

Although employees throughout the country will see benefits, those in Arkansas, South Carolina, and West Virginia will likely see more benefits than the other states.

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