My MS and Me - Cross Arms Vlog 5.13.2016

DeafPositiveAttitudeHealth     May 13, 2016 in ASL 2 Subscribers Subscribe

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Hello, it has been a while since I did a v-log about my MS. I wanted to tell you something that happened to me a few months ago, and I am still obsessed about it and cannot seem to let it go.

I have nerve pain in my arms and hands. Sometimes my hands become cold and it hurts. It is like almost frozen, but it is not, just the inside is very cold and it is hard to sign, type, and do simple things every day.

Someone in the community that I know very well insulted me. I felt like - WOW! I crossed my arms, and put my hands underneath my armpits, while watching people in a community event. This person insulted me and said “you have an attitude because you cross your arms and people think that you are mad, and that your face is all red”.

I was shocked and did not expect that. My reaction was confused, but then I got defensive because I am in pain all the time and I should not have to defend myself. Because the people that I hang around with know I have MS. I was like - how dare you judge me, because of my face my appearance, I look crabby, but really I am in pain 24/7. You all need to grow up and not judge people because of the way they look.

Sometimes I cannot move well. I cannot take a shower every day. I cannot write. Sometimes I cannot sign. So, where does that person get off insulting me? I just cannot seem to get past that. I am thinking that do I need to educate people about MS more because you do not understand. On the other hand, you just want to be negative about people and the way they look. Think about it, because it is hurtful. It is upsetting and it is wrong. Where is your respect to people who have a chronic illness?

Thanks for watching and letting me vent my thoughts and feelings. Have a great day.

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