Clarification on My Books & My Presentations

veditzkat     April 20, 2016 in ASL 13 Subscribers Subscribe

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Clarification on my books: "Baltimore's Deaf Heritage" and "Detroit's Deaf Heritage" also what my presentation is about.

I was told that some cannot invite because it does not "apply" to their areas, which is not true. It DOES apply to everywhere, due to the impact of deaf culture & history, even ASL in every area. Those books are the important part of your deaf culture & history to understand how many were raised, their professions and success can impact everywhere and everybody. Captions are included in my vlog.

If you have more questions about it, please contact me through Link and I will be happy to talk about it! :)

Also, the benefit of an author and researcher really helped push for the better ideas to help everybody through the NAD Deaf Culture & History Section! I give my team ideas how to help others. The motivation is great that excites me! Ask me how to join the NAD DCHS to help preserve the deaf history & ASL.

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