WesleyArey36     April 10, 2016 in ASL 336 Subscribers Subscribe

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New Group: DGM Rally Live Video Summary Man in a white lab coat and tie with glasses If you cannot go to the May 4 rally, don't worry, there's a new group called DGM Rally Live. Click join to be able to make posts. It is public, anyone can see the posts, but to write a post, you have to join. I will approve your request. For the next 2 weeks, you can practice using LIVE on FB in that group, but please make sure it is related to the DGM rally, not other things. Because I will delete that. You can post the capitol area where the rally will be held, or about your shirts/banners, etc. Then on May 4 I will delete everything and then you can post whatever is happening at the rally on that day. This way everyone can see what is happening. You know how CNN, ABC, etc news tends to show a few secs of people... this is better. You get to show whatever is happening as long as you want it. Please don't forget to bring a portable charger as LIVE eats up your battery. Who knows, maybe the news will want your video! Be sure to type on top saying "DGM- your state" so that people will know where you are recording from. In order to make a live video, go to DGM Rally Live and click on WRITE POST, then click on the symbol on your phone that looks like a man with a rainbow over him. Then that's it. Video then post. You can even save the video on your phone and post at the same time. SHARE AWAY! Spread the word!

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