NAD Deaf Culture & History Section HISTORY

veditzkat     March 20, 2016 in ASL 13 Subscribers Subscribe

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I apologize for the long vlog, however, this will be a rare occasion to do a long vlog, I assure you.


To help readers understand the importance of thirty years of FOLDA existence, I am taking this opportunity to provide written history and facts about National Association of the Deaf FOLDA-USA that is being recognized and honored.

In 1992 Alice (Lougee) Hagemeyer wrote an article, "We Have Come a Long Way." You can find it here: Link

In the article, it stated, "NAD has recently been restructured and reorganized and stands ready for the future. On July 3, 1992, the NAD formally created a new section to be called the NAD/FOLDA-USA. Included in NAD’s future agenda will be a long-range plan for NAD/FOLDA-USA to take over FOLDA’s responsibility for The Red Notebook."

Sometime between 1994 and 2006, the FOLDA-USA changed to Library Friends Section (LFS).

During 2000's to 2006's, Amy Bopp served as Chair of the section.
During 2006's to 2012's, Cathy Haas served as Chair of the section. During her tenure, Cathy proposed the following priority at the 2008 NAD Conference:

2008; TITLE: Preservation of American Deaf History and ASL
CR RANK: 9 (tied)
CODE: 2008-LA-LFS-001
INTRODUCED BY: Cathy Haas, Library Friends Section (California)
SECONDED BY: Alice Hagemeyer (Maryland)
PRIORITY: The NAD shall establish a task force to develop strategies for preservation of American Deaf History and American Sign Language.
ASSIGNMENT: Library Friends Section
STATUS: Shift in focus recommended.

Then at the 2010 NAD Conference, two relevant priorities were created and acted upon, with one of the two in response to the Conference mandate in 2008. “Preservation of American Deaf History and ASL”.

Priority Code: 2010-PA-PUB-001
2010-2012 Priority: Deaf History Month
NAD shall research and identify Congressional members to sponsor a federal bill to proclaim March 13-April 15 as National Deaf History Month (NDHM), with an emphasis on American Sign Language.
Ranking: 6 (76 votes)
Vision 2020: Guiding Principles on Language and Attitude
Board Assignment: Deaf Culture and History Section
Status: In progress

This proposal is still in progress due to the issue of having the 32 days and two months in one "month." The U.S. President's disability committee has yet to agree on this. This goal is ongoing with a possible new resolution this coming summer at NAD 2016 conference.
Priority Code: 2010-PA-GOV-001
2010-2012 Priority: Deaf Culture and History
NAD shall change the title heading of the Library Friends Section to a new heading called the Deaf Culture and History Section.
Ranking: 17 (55 votes)
Vision 2020: Guiding Principles on Language and Attitude
Board Assignment: N/A
Status: Completed

Therefore, Library Friends Section was renamed to Deaf Culture & History in 2010 with the same objectives.

In 2014, Kathleen "Kat" Brockway became Chair of DCHS and continues to serve as the Chair today. During her first year Kat updated the mission and objectives to match the intentions of DCHS without any members' objections. One of her first objectives was to rebuild the DCHS membership, growing from 75 to almost 200 in 2016. Kat also worked tirelessly to increase the presence of Deaf Cultural Digital Library (DCDL) throughout the country.

Right after the NAD 2014 Conference in summer 2014, Alice Hagemeyer wrote on FaceBook page, Promoting the Deaf Cultural Digital Library: “Make the Deaf Cultural Digital Library (DCDL) a priority, I agree with the recommendation by the NAD Board of Directors and Headquarters that this task should be taken by (DCHS) members. It also means that (DCHS) members must start campaigning and to form a task force to implement strategies to fill the gaps and better coordinate with all organizations serving the deaf (OSD) to build DCDL in all 50 states, DC, two commonwealths and three territories.”

This had inspired Kat to become more involved with DCDL as the DCHS Chair. Since then, she worked tirelessly to advocate for increased presence of Deaf Cultural Digital Library (DCDL) throughout the country. In addition, DCHS continues to make the priority proposals on proclamation of the National Deaf History Month and preservation of Deaf History & ASL to happen.

Kat also formalized the mission and objectives of DCHS. More information on this can be found at Link .

Today, DCHS continues to thank you for the support and continue to make this happen and continues to try complete the past priority proposals before we can move forward with new priority proposals except for resolutions and support on the ongoing objectives.

Official: Jowy Crosta, delegate, and Kat Brockway, alt. delegate will head for NAD 2016 in Phoenix, Arizona. See you all there!

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