Deaf Cats: Ava

raysofraychelle     March 10, 2007 in ASL 0 Subscribers Subscribe

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In this vlog, Raychelle talks about deaf cats in general and the parallels in paternalism between deaf people and deaf cats. She then shares some experiences with her deaf cat, Ava and some video clips of Ava. How do you get the attention of a deaf cat? Just like you do deaf people! Vibrations (from tapping floor, or a nearby object); Breeze (from flapping arm, newspaper, etc); Changing Lights/Shadows (from flashing lights, or blocking/unblocking the stream of sun/light); and of course by Touch (tapping, petting gently). Here are some urls if you'd like to investigate further. Do share your tips on how to "teach" Ava not to claw up my furniture! :)Author: raysofraychelleKeywords: deaf cats paternalism attention-gettingAdded: March 10, 2007

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