My MS and Me - Brain Fog 02/21/16

DeafPositiveAttitudeHealth     February 21, 2016 in ASL 2 Subscribers Subscribe

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February 21, 2016
1:30 pm
My MS and Me Chronicles

Brain Fog

Hello, my name is Pam Groth. I am starting to talk or try every day to share a little bit about myself with my Multiple Sclerosis (MS). I want to share some of my stories, my concerns, frustrations and I think some of you can relate to me.

Today is Sunday, February 21, 2016 130 in the afternoon. I woke up very disoriented like a brain fog. It was not clear thinking when I woke up and I felt very heavy, as if I have a heavy feeling, just cannot walk right, cannot move in the right way, and just felt very odd. I get that often. I do not know if you feel the same way. It would be nice to share if you do and what you do about that.

Today, I decided to try to drink a blueberry smoothie with coconut milk and cinnamon to see if that improves my flexibility and clear up the fog. I am not sure why I have that. I am thinking that maybe it is from my food that I ate yesterday or I studied so much for school, reading causing my eyes to be a little bit blurry. I am not sure that if it is related to one of the symptoms of the MS making it worse, I am just not sure.

Today I feel blah because I have a big paper due today. I feel like I am off and hoping that the blueberry smoothie will help me. If you have, that problem let me know. I am curious what do you do and how do you cope with that? How do you work it out and make it better, because today, I am very tired.

Oh, also, I took four (4) 200 mg Motrin’s ibuprofen because I had a bad headache yesterday, so did that affect my brain fog?

I am curious, what are your thoughts?
Thanks for watching.

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