How Jesus stolen stories from others

Virtual Deaf Church     January 22, 2016 in ASL 95 Subscribers Subscribe

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A video on the prehistoric roots of the fary tales. Our famous fary tales may be thousands years old. The same principle apples to the gospels. The early Christians borrowed from famous legends and adapted t to Jesus. The gospels are not originals nor t s historical but s one of the greatest literature ever.

This video s signed n American Sign Language.

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  1. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
  2. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
  3. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
    Title:   make sense to me........
  4. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
    Title:   Good vlog!!!
  5. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
  6. ReplyTo:   deafaynrand
    Title:   Good title

  7. Title:   funnel viewpoint
  8. ReplyTo:   BiggreeneggTn
    Title:   Other story

  9. Title:   more educated

  10. Title:   Jesus as a Sage

  11. Title:   Myth of persecution
  12. ReplyTo:   crazyjeep
    Title:   thankful for freedom
  13. ReplyTo:   Deafwomynpride
    Title:   Mind-bogglng!

  14. Title:   Human nature
  15. ReplyTo:   JokerJeb
    Title:   4 gospels
  16. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
  17. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
    Title:   Do your homework, buddy
  18. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
    Title:   used live in UK
  19. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
  20. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
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