"Dad, Where Do Terrorist Come From?" (ASL)

ewitty     January 21, 2016 in ASL 21 Subscribers Subscribe

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A depictive narration in ASL on how U.S. America is complicit in the cyclic creation of terrorist and terrorism.

"The people we (USA) have been killing have most often been innocent people. In fact, the documents show that over a 5 month period, 90% of the people we executed with drones were completely innocent. During our drone war, we’ve executed untold numbers of innocent children, we’ve blown up entire weddings, and as we saw just a few weeks ago, we’ve blown up hospitals with our own doctors in them." — 90% Innocent: How America Is Creating Terrorists Faster Than We Can Kill Them

Say I’m a child growing up in US America during 9/11 and I’m furious at ‘them’ whoever ‘they’ are and decide to become part of the Military Industrial Complex and aid in defending my country. Fast forward several years, I’m now part of a drone campaign that bombs a village in Yemen that kills hundreds of innocents: women, children, and maybe a ‘bad guy’ — I’m not sure, because intel isn’t always great.

Now pretend I’m a child in Yemen growing up during an airstrike to my village that kills my parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, friends, and community members — my innocent loved ones — murdered. Now I’m furious at ‘them’ whoever ‘they’ are and I decide to become part of … wait, didn’t I already write this part?

Effin' history repeats itself — and a lot of us are on the sidelines actin like cheerleaders - excited for the second half, screaming ignorant stuff like,

“Yeah, let’s bomb those bastards!”
“We’ll show them!”

Show them what? How deep we can hate? How easily we can be misguided?

Have a brain, but above all, have a heart!
U.S. America blew up a Médecins Sans Frontières hospital just a few months ago. (Link )

So you mad at ISIS, but not mad at the USA? How does that work?
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