Two improvements

deafvideotv     January 20, 2016 in DVTV Helpdesk 351 Subscribers Subscribe

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1) The list of "My Groups" on the front page and black bar menu are correctly ordered by groups with most recent vlogs 2) The list of "My Groups" on the front page now has numeric notifications of new vlogs.

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9 Video Comments

    To comment, this group.

  1. ReplyTo:   deafvideotv
  2. ReplyTo:   deafvideotv
    Title:   what I want looking for
  3. ReplyTo:   deafvideotv
  4. ReplyTo:   Chickadee
    Title:   not ordered by notificti
  5. ReplyTo:   deafvideotv
  6. ReplyTo:   Chickadee
    Title:   double checked
  7. ReplyTo:   deafvideotv
  8. ReplyTo:   Chickadee
    Title:   in theory it does
  9. ReplyTo:   deafvideotv

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