Urgent Consulting Time: Time to Preserve the Deaf History!

veditzkat     December 15, 2015 in ASL 13 Subscribers Subscribe

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Email at Link for more questions and information. Check my website out also at Link .

It is time to take a serious action to preserve the photographs, stories, and more to pass down to the next deaf generation. Many Schools are approaching their 100, 150, and 200th anniversary and this is a great timing to start consider use the traditional publishing than self publishing. Start a Deaf Heritage collection to expose to the hearing community!

Traditional publishing goes at the national level and connects to Barnes Noble and your local independent bookstores. More attention will be preferred with the traditional publishing.

Self publishing means you need to work 10x harder to sell and get low royalties on Amazon. Deaf Community is very small. We need national attention to help show we have a Deaf Culture. We are a valuable signing community with a rich deaf history.

I can offer one on one consulting by hour/day or invite me to give a presentation soon with agreement of admission fees. Sooner the better to set up one!

(Video thumbnail photograph courtesy of ASL SLAM)

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