Christmas is for EVERYONE!!!

Virtual Deaf Church     December 11, 2015 in ASL 95 Subscribers Subscribe

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What is wrong with "War on Christmas?" It is a belief by some Christians that Christmas belong only to them. This would mean that they would exclude many others from celebrating Christmas. That is NOT the Spirit of Christmas.

Christmas is a very ancient holiday, dating from thousands of years ago. Therefore, Christmas is for EVERYONE! Anyone has the right to celebrate the Christmas as they see fit. Anyone should be welcomed into the Spirit of Christmas, that is the season of 'love, giving, jolly, joy, friendship, sharing, helping, etc.' Don't be a Grinch!

This video is signed in American Sign Language and subtitled in English. "Christmas is for EVERYONE!!!" By Rev. Justin Dean Vollmar, Humanist minister. Virtual Deaf Church copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved.

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  1. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
    Title:   swing side good/bad
  2. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
  3. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
    Title:   first pagan
  4. ReplyTo:   signhand
    Title:   Christmas is BIG busines
  5. ReplyTo:   DeafRVman
    Title:   Others had to work too
  6. ReplyTo:   deafaynrand
    Title:   commercialized
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