Thanksgiving Sermon based on Psalm 90

Fivesolasjsz     November 28, 2015 in ASL 21 Subscribers Subscribe

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In Psalm 90 was written by Moses while he was leading the people of Israel in the wilderness. It is one of the oldest pieces of literature in the Bible, and one of the oldest hymns of the Church. Moses wrote this Psalm so all who sing it would remember who God is and who humans are and our relationship with Him. Moses considered, as we shall see, the fact that almost everyone that God delivered from Egypt was going to die in the wilderness for their sin. What does this Psalm mean for us today for this Thanksgiving week? Let’s give thanks to God for His salvation. Just as God brought the Israelites out of Eqypt. By His grace, we have delivered from slavery to sin, and God continues to bless us. God continue to guide us and give us His Wisdom. God has given us work to do as Green River Area Deaf Fellowship—beginning with telling others about Jesus!

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