Fact Check: The Syrian Refugees in USA (Ethical discussion)

Virtual Deaf Church     November 20, 2015 in ASL 95 Subscribers Subscribe

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An ethical discussion on the political reaction to the Syrian refugee crisis. This video focus on facts-checking that had gotten lost in the irrational and emotional debate.

FactCheck: #1 - amount of refugees?
#2 - homeless veterans?
#3 - Jewish refugees?
#4 - Paris Terrorists?

This video is signed in American Sign Language and subtitled in English.

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18 Video Comments

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  1. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
    Title:   AMEN! :-)
  2. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
  3. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
  4. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
  5. ReplyTo:   DeafHawk62
    Title:   AMEN!
  6. ReplyTo:   JOEYWOOD
    Title:   France shames America
  7. ReplyTo:   deafaynrand
    Title:   Obstructionists

  8. Title:   Good job!

  9. Title:   Prejudice?
  10. ReplyTo:   NormASL1
    Title:   Better Christian?

  11. Title:   Lack context
  12. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
    Title:   France and Canada same
  13. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
    Title:   Tornoto Star today
  14. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
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