President Community Update vlog #5

OAD1921     November 18, 2015 in ASL 4 Subscribers Subscribe

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President Community Update vlog #5

1. Guthrie Nutter elects president of Oregon ASLTA
2. City of Portland's Council voted to pass the city ordinance requiring businesses, hospitals, barber shop, etc to turn on captioning on public TV and leave it on 100%. Congratulation!
3. Met with management team from Tennessee, California, Washington and local in Oregon from Brookdale Senior Living corporation to discuss about Brookdale Chestnut Lane Assisted Living for the Deaf and Deaf-Blind. It was a good and productive meeting and to learn more, please attend to town hall meeting this Friday from 3pm to 5pm in Gresham.
4. Preliminary discussion about the DHS Request for Proposal (RFP) on community needs assessment.

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Thank you!

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