Decide which FATHER (spirit) you belong?

DM FBI     October 2, 2015 in ASL 78 Subscribers Subscribe

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Based on my faith in Christ Jesus accord my journey and discovered when I was 15 years that my spiritual father was DEVIL! I changed by my faith in Jesus, Son of God and be adopted to GOD my current spiritual FATHER! Enjoy this preaching (share words)!

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13 Video Comments

       Reply to DM FBI
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  1. ReplyTo:   DM FBI
  2. ReplyTo:   signhand
    Title:   E1: Ro10:8-18 preacher

  3. Title:   Jesus--> champion!
  4. ReplyTo:   DM FBI
  5. ReplyTo:   YouthCatholicLady
    Title:   John 1:12?

  6. Title:   100% sure up heaven?

  7. Title:   God's offer JC
   Reply to DM FBI
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