NTID Classroom Communication Forum 9/21 Highlights

TheTigerMedia     October 1, 2015 in ASL 3 Subscribers Subscribe

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Come to the second NTID classroom communication forum at 4-6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 9 in SDC 1300/10. The third forum will be at 5-8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 26 in SDC 1300/10.

Like the NTID Student Congress on Facebook at Link and Tiger Media at Link .

TRANSCRIPT & VISUAL DESCRIPTION: Go to tinyurl.com/vidtranscript

ROAR TIMES ARTICLE: Read more about the entire forum at tinyurl.com/ntidcomm. Like us on Facebook at Link .


Q: Where can I see a video of the entire forum?
A: A video of the entire forum will not be posted for several reasons including captioning and camera capture.

Q: Why is the transcript and video description in a separate file?
A: We couldn't post the text on this page because it exceeds the YouTube limit on text length.

Q: Who do I contact if I want to make corrections or give feedback?
A: Email the Managing Editor at Link . We welcome feedback and will make corrections accordingly.

Q: Is the video heavily edited?
A: Many of the clips were taken out of chronological order. Our intention was to reflect trends and themes that persisted throughout the forum.

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