ASL Team Interpreting: When to feed and When to switch?

shelllium     September 4, 2015 in ASL 56 Subscribers Subscribe

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What has been your experience? Are there times it is appropriate to take an unplanned turn when team interpreting?

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Here is the outline:
Teaming: When to feed vs. when to switch
Discuss ahead of time...Switch if specific content?
Speaker? V-S?/S-V? Time length (20 min)?
When to switch with partner?
1. Piece of message is missed consistently and you can't figure out how to feed in full concept
2. Emotional content gets intense, potential for offense, misunderstanding
2. Potential for more serious consequences if misunderstanding occurs
3. Too many speakers at once and partner cannot keep up
4. Partner is showing fatigue, regardless of time slot
5. Complex content, unfamiliar content
6. Heavy data...numbers, $, treasurer report (can feed but sometimes too much)

Debrief afterwards so partner can learn or understand why you switched at an unexpected time.

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