ASL Comparing VRI costs to Live Interpreter or On-Site costs

shelllium     August 18, 2015 in ASL 56 Subscribers Subscribe

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Response to question about "How does it work? How much does it cost to have VRI in a hospital?" etc...

Here are the number breakdowns again:

Based on 2011 data from sample VRI co. and hospital:

Monthly cost to hospital for VRI package: $1,900
Cost per minute of interpreting: $1.95
Hourly cost for full hour of VRI: $117
Average hourly rate of pay to VRI interpreter: $30-45 (depends on after hours/emergency/weekends etc...)
Usually around $30-35/hr, and this is pre-tax income with no benefits

Amount of difference between VRI per hour and interpreter pay:
$117/hr - $35 = $82/hr for VRI overhead?

Comments and feedback welcomed as always!
;o) Hugs to HarleyBikerLady on DVTV ;o)

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    Title:   questions
  2. ReplyTo:   shelllium
  3. ReplyTo:   ASLisGreat
    Title:   Hi :o) !
  4. ReplyTo:   ASLisGreat
    Title:   State or RID cert?
  5. ReplyTo:   ASLisGreat
    Title:   if patient looks away?..
  6. ReplyTo:   MtDewTaz
    Title:   Hi! ;o) thx for comment!
  7. ReplyTo:   shelllium
    Title:   concern "qualified" terp
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