"What’s YOUR Excuse?" (Dad) 05.11.09

a258production     June 8, 2015 in ASL 0 Subscribers Subscribe

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"What’s YOUR Excuse?"

Don’t mind me for being angry,
But do mind him for being sad.

Don’t mind me for yelling,
But do mind him for crying.

Don’t mind me at all,
For I care so deeply

That his pains become my words,
My words become spear that stabs in your heart,
Your heart bleeds sorrow with regret,
Regret that you wish you have spent more time with him,
He forgets who you are now
Now don’t you wish you visited him more
More that he could have remembered you
You are just a figment of his imagination

Don’t mind me for being harsh,
But do mind him for being so innocent

Don’t mind me for bitching,
But do mind him for living.

What’s your excuse for not visiting him?

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