Use your video to film VRI use

ASLisGreat     May 17, 2015 in ASL 40 Subscribers Subscribe

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The will help show DOJ proof of poor quality VRI and incompetence of VRI set up by nurses or staff

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28 Video Comments

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  1. Title:   everyone
  2. ReplyTo:   ASLisGreat
    Title:   champ Stratus Vri
  3. ReplyTo:   ASLisGreat
    Title:   I already vlogg
  4. ReplyTo:   tide
  5. ReplyTo:   ASLisGreat
  6. ReplyTo:   ASLisGreat
    Title:   explain you clear
  7. ReplyTo:   DeafHawk62, ASLisGreat
    Title:   check which company vri
  8. ReplyTo:   tide, ASLisGreat
  9. ReplyTo:   DeafHawk62
  10. ReplyTo:   tide, DeafHawk62
  11. ReplyTo:   tide, ASLisGreat
  12. ReplyTo:   InsaneMisha

  13. Title:   important discreet video
  14. ReplyTo:   ASLisGreat
  15. ReplyTo:   InsaneMisha
  16. ReplyTo:   ASLisGreat
  17. ReplyTo:   InsaneMisha, ASLisGreat
    Title:   insanemisha is low class
  18. ReplyTo:   InsaneMisha, ASLisGreat
    Title:   forgot other question
  19. ReplyTo:   tide
  20. ReplyTo:   tide
    Title:   You don't know nothing
   Reply to ASLisGreat
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