Is Jesus a Black Man?

Virtual Deaf Church     May 8, 2015 in ASL 95 Subscribers Subscribe

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Why are Christians so offended at the idea of Jesus as a black man? Surely, this is not a blasphemy, right? This video is a self-examination on the issue of Racism. If Christians get offended at the idea of Black Jesus, is this a subtle form of Racism? This video is signed in American Sign Language and subtitled in English.

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72 Video Comments

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  1. Title:   Problems in the Bible
  2. ReplyTo:   Coolstarman85
    Title:   Africans go to hell?
  3. ReplyTo:   DragonessLife
    Title:   Yup! Dark-skinned Jews
  4. ReplyTo:   BiggreeneggTn
    Title:   Elvis is RISEN!!!
  5. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church, RLEG
    Title:   Gifted
  6. ReplyTo:   AmoreSureWord
    Title:   Thank you
  7. ReplyTo:   RLEG
  8. ReplyTo:   PETER, RLEG
    Title:   Yup, I have privileges
  9. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
    Title:   re: euro-centric
  10. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church, RLEG
    Title:   Privlege vs pride
  11. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church, PETER
    Title:   true color
  12. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church, PETER, RLEG
    Title:   everyone privilege belie
  13. ReplyTo:   HarleyDeafson, Virtual Deaf Church, PETER, RLEG
  14. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
  15. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
    Title:   blame western religion
  16. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
  17. ReplyTo:   HarleyDeafson, Virtual Deaf Church, RLEG
    Title:   probably missed our pt?
  18. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
    Title:   BG vs JD
  19. ReplyTo:   PETER, RLEG
    Title:   Billy Graham's privilege
  20. ReplyTo:   PETER, RLEG
    Title:   Church privilege
   Reply to Virtual Deaf Church
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