Message for Justin Vollmar

AmoreSureWord     May 8, 2015 in ASL 4 Subscribers Subscribe

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52 Video Comments

  1. ReplyTo:   AmoreSureWord
    Title:   theHolism'sAttitude
  2. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church, AmoreSureWord
    Title:   70AD
  3. ReplyTo:   AmoreSureWord
    Title:   sweet of you….. but
  4. ReplyTo:   AmoreSureWord
    Title:   Pray for JD
  5. ReplyTo:   PETER, AmoreSureWord
    Title:   Thank you
  6. ReplyTo:   PETER
    Title:   Victim
  7. ReplyTo:   PETER
    Title:   part2

  8. Title:   good to know
  9. ReplyTo:   sundumbell
    Title:   if you were me?

  10. Title:   World Trade Center
  11. ReplyTo:   Virtual Deaf Church
    Title:   ur very welcome!
  12. ReplyTo:   DS65
  13. ReplyTo:   AmoreSureWord
    Title:   Happened it to me once
  14. ReplyTo:   AmoreSureWord
    Title:   reason why
  15. ReplyTo:   saif, RLEG, AmoreSureWord, JoyEF
    Title:   Key is peace/joy
  16. ReplyTo:   DS65
    Title:   thanks share
  17. ReplyTo:   PETER
  18. ReplyTo:   AmoreSureWord

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