SHARE: Region III Report from Chicago

NAD     April 30, 2015 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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[Video description can be found below. If you use a screen reader and need to access the caption file transcript, go to "More..." and click on "Transcript"]

While in Chicago, NAD Board Representative from Region III, Jerry Nelson, share several updates within Region III.

Video description and transcript:

Video fades to a gradient background with dark blue to light blue, a grey National Association of the Deaf (NAD) logo is centered. Video fades to Jerry. The NAD logo appears as a light watermark in the bottom right corner.

JERRY: Hi, I'm Jerry Nelson and I represent Region III for the NAD. The past several months have been very exciting. Many state associations in Region III are very focused on legislative action within their state. They've been busy discussing and planning various legislative bills. Some bills made it through while other bills go back to the drawing board. It is important that state associations are continuing the great work they're doing to make change for the better in the deaf and hard of hearing community. I have one quick announcement to make. Larry Evans, my co-representative for Region III, has decided to resign and I thank Larry for his many years of service for the NAD. I'm excited to share that the Board just approved a replacement for Region III -- Holly Ketchum from Arkansas. I'm excited Holly will be joining me for the remainder of Larry's term, 16 months. I look forward to working with Holly and you all. Thank you.

Video fades to the same gradient background with dark blue to light blue, a grey National Association of the Deaf (NAD) logo is centered. White text below the logo appears, "A production of the National Association of the Deaf (copyright) 2015 All Rights Reserved" with four teal social media icons, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.

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