Contact Your Legislator

OAD1921     April 13, 2015 in ASL 4 Subscribers Subscribe

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Transcript: Contact Your Legislator

Chad A. Ludwig: Hi everyone! I want to show you how you can contact your legislator to share your stories or explain how you support the bill. There are a few ways you can do this. For example, you can write them a letter or give them a call. These are easy options. The question is, who is your legislator? I will show you how to locate the legislator in your area. This way you can contact your legislator yourself in the future as well and explain your reasons to support or oppose different bills depending on your preference. Your opinions and your “voice” are important to all of our legislators. Now I will show you. (on screen behind)

Notice that I have the screen pulled up behind me. ( There are links along the top. Find the word “Resources” and click on that tab. That will pull up a menu list. As you read down, you will see the word “legislator”. Click on that. This takes you to another page titled “Contact Your Legislator”. Below that it says “Find Your Legislator” with a web address that you can click on. This link will automatically direct you to the Oregon State Legislator page. This page will pull up a map. If you look in the top right corner you will see a search box. In this box you type your home address. The search engine will find your home and zoom into that location on the map. It will show three different groups -- Senate, House, and Congress -- in separate tabs for your elected officials.

You will need the first two, Senate and House. Where I live, Senator Rod Monroe is my Senator and my House Representative is Jeff Reardon.

Below their name is their information including phone number, address, and website for your elected Senator and House Representative.

This is a great time for you to write a letter or call their phone using your VRS service provider to speak with an assistant or leave them a message. It only takes a few minutes of your time, and is easy to do. It is really important to reach out to your legislator and show your support or opposition for different bills.

If you have any questions, please contact us at OAD. We are eager to respond to any questions. Thank you for watching this vlog.

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