Jesus Loves You!!

DS65     March 20, 2015 in ASL 39 Subscribers Subscribe

29 Stars
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19,946 Visits

He died for you on the cross!

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115 Video Comments

  1. Title:   forget to add..
  2. ReplyTo:   DS65
    Title:   Keep calm & follow J
  3. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah, DS65
    Title:   sinless life?
  4. ReplyTo:   DM FBI, GraciousTorah
    Title:   thanks for the tip

  5. Title:   yes right

  6. Title:   thanks for the star

  7. Title:   Exodus 20:3-6

  8. Title:   mary

  9. Title:   Elizabeth

  10. Title:   good point

  11. Title:   #111 &112

  12. Title:   shock?

  13. Title:   Culture

  14. Title:   KJV

  15. Title:   distract
  16. ReplyTo:   DS65
    Title:   #121 AMEN!!!
  17. ReplyTo:   DeafMark7
    Title:   thanks !

  18. Title:   #122

  19. Title:   baptsim

  20. Title:   pope will be here soon

Comments for this video is closed.