My Master Blacky & Joey Cats (oh yes they are hearing)

Panther     September 2, 2007 in ASL 2 Subscribers Subscribe

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maybe y'all better not turn ur volume cuz too loud due to tv was on oops. but i forget y'all are deaffff too. ;)
They watched the baby woodpecker that hit our patio window from outside that made woodpecker dizzy & likely 10 or 20 min later he They watched the baby woodpecker that hit our patio window from outside that made woodpecker dizzy & likely 10 or 20 min later he flew whew. not broke his neck wow.. of course my 2 cats enjoyed to watch but they cant catch him whew.. by the way Joey is 18 lbs oops only 9 yrs old. Blacky is now 13 lbs but his age :(((( cuz he is 17 yrs old.. u know.. soooKeywords: deaf power/catlovers/asl

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