Forgive Us Our Debts

Fivesolasjsz     January 25, 2015 in ASL 21 Subscribers Subscribe

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Sermon in American Sign Language (ASL) by Pastor Jeremiah Ziehr based on Matthew 6:12-13, "Forgive Us Our Debts". Who can forgive the sins? This is a most important question we must ask ourselves today. Before we understand the forgiveness, we must understand the seriousness of the sins. Holy God cannot possibly enter a relationship with unholy people unless there is forgiveness of sin. Forgiveness is necessary in order to be in a relationship with God. This is why LORD makes it the next topic in His pattern for prayer: "Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors." Sin is the problem and how forgiveness can be done through Christ and the Christians to the offenders.

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