SDDS reunion 8/21/07

jonlenois     August 23, 2007 in ASL 40 Subscribers Subscribe

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I wanted to share with you about SDDS reunion that 6 of us met at Tourmaline Surf Park. We had great talks about our experiences in surfing for many years. We just realized that we have surfed with 2 or 3 of us at the same time until we all met at the reunion at once! We are appreciated with ourselves in the surfing culture that we went through difficult times in the hearing world in the past. Several years later, we got more comfortable with the surfing culture by having friends to give us support and feedbacks. Now we do have more knowledge about surfing culture that we could share our experiences with anyone.

We would like to share our experiences to the youth deaf surfers. Are you ready to join us?

JONKeywords: ASL VLOG BLOG Deaf Surf Tourmaline

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