i almost buy a used car

darkchess     December 11, 2014 in ASL 13 Subscribers Subscribe

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my long time friend didn't care how good cars were. he pushed me to buy them regardless. but my sister saved me from wasting thousand dollars.

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7 Video Comments

       Reply to darkchess
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  1. ReplyTo:   darkchess
    Title:   get your friends U trust
  2. ReplyTo:   darkchess
    Title:   hello darkchess
  3. ReplyTo:   darkchess
    Title:   car test one hr
  4. ReplyTo:   darkchess
  5. ReplyTo:   ldl305
    Title:   thank you for sharing
  6. ReplyTo:   ASL USA
    Title:   really? ok thank you
  7. ReplyTo:   prostreet576
    Title:   they are already sold ;(
   Reply to darkchess
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