A Deaf Surf Lesson in San Diego from Burbank

jonlenois     August 16, 2007 in ASL 40 Subscribers Subscribe

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I want to share with you about Sharon Dror and her family who came down to San Diego from Burbank for surf lessons. Sharon contacted me last week after she saw the SDDS vlog that her kids want to learn how to surf. We have been communicating through emails. Sharon has 2 kids, Michael, 14 years old and Rachel, 11 years old. They were learning how to surf while Sharon and her fiance, Ken Rothschild were shooting video and taking pictures.

I'm very pleased that Sharon willing to shoot video for me while I was giving lessons to the kids. I helped the kids by pushing them while they were on the surfboard so they could ride with the waves. I'm impressed with them that they were emulating from my help to their independent.

Now, I will let you to view the rest of the video clip.

JONKeywords: ASL VLOG BLOG Deaf Surf

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