Video Blog 16

umnet     July 4, 2007 in ASL 3 Subscribers Subscribe

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Hi my name is Chelsea NAMESIGN I deaf, I live in Californiaand this is my vlog for 4th of July. Happy 4th of July, have fun with your family/friends whatever. I have gotten a video request to talk about if I suddenly grew into a giant who would I squash with my big foot? My answer to thatquestion is I would squash the enemy. Who is the enemy? Satan.He has done so much damage to so many lives. I want to kill him.I hate him.Anyway, what you guys doing today to celebrate 4th of July? I'm going down to the American river and swimming with group of friends, coming back for BBQ then watching fireworks. That's my usual. What are you doing? Let me know. :) It's interesting how different people celebrate today across America.Author: UMnetKeywords: vlog sign language deaf 4thofjuly independence day asl pse see holiday giant foot feetAdded: July 4, 2007

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