ASL Story: SanO 6/24/07

jonlenois     June 29, 2007 in ASL 40 Subscribers Subscribe

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I want to share my experience about last Sunday, June 24, 2007. John and I went to San Onofre State Beach and we were surfing there for 5 hours on fun day. Couple of hearing people are so cool to us even they were communicating with us by gesture! They treat us as we aren't strange!Schedule to join us at SanO with tentative dates:July 14 or 15, and 28 or 29Aug 11 or 12, and 25 or 26See you at the water or sand!Cheers,JONAuthor: jonLenoisKeywords: Surf San Onofre Deaf ASL VLOGAdded: June 29, 2007

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