Video Blog 10

umnet     December 31, 2006 in ASL 3 Subscribers Subscribe

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A deaf 17 year old girl wishes the world a happy new year in American Sign Language.transcript:Hi! Welcome to my number 10 vlog..My name is (FINGERSPELL) Chelsea or (NAMESIGN) Chelsea.. In case you forgot my nameI know it's been 2 months since my last's been a crazy two months. A lot has happened.Thanksgiving, Christmas, holidays, my birthday...One thing led to another and before you know it, it's the new year.. 2007How was your year? Mine was good year but hard too.. I'll never ever forget this year, a lot happened this year, special year..So yeah... I have a party starting soon.. have a happy new year and I'll see you in 2007! bye!Author: UMnetKeywords: deaf sign language asl vlog video blogAdded: December 31, 2006

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