Video Blog 15 - Happy Father's Day!

umnet     June 17, 2007 in ASL 3 Subscribers Subscribe

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A deaf 17 year old girl wishes the world a Happy Father's Day in ASL -- TRANSCRIPT: Hi! I just wanted to wish all of the fathers out there who are watching, a Happy Father's Day. I don't' know where I would be without my father. If you have a father, please go tell him "I love you" because if you never saw your dad again you'd be sad because fathers are wonderful and they don't get enough honor for what they do for their children. Anyways... I got published in the Wall Street Journal last week because of my vlogs, please go to my profile -- link is there. Have a great Father's Day. Bye!Author: UMnetKeywords: asl vlog vlogging deaf chelsea wall street journal wsj fathers day fatherAdded: June 17, 2007

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