Division On Deaf and Hard Of Hear...
Mel Sep 23, 2007
Mel May 30, 2007 in ASL 0 Subscribers Subscribe
Hello Deaf music lovers especially those in the Tennessee area: there is music large festival being held June 14-17th called Bonnaroo. I was planning on going but I already planned attending another festival in Chicago this August. Bonnaroo is planning on having an ASL program for the music events but we must make our band request by May 31, 2007 so the interpreters can begin practicing immediately. If you don't make that deadline, send a request anyway, and they will see what they can do. The festival should be fun, they have a lot of activities going on for children and adults. There will lot of good bands there, better than the festival I will be attending in Chicago. Go to Bonnaroo.com. Write to Link to make ASL interpreting requests. Bye.Author: melrich2Keywords: deaf asl bonnarooAdded: May 30, 2007
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